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Friday, March 15, 2019

Cheater's Handbook for Celebs, Go to Obamacare

Naturally, this is my opinion and the "advice" is a sarcastic review of how we were sold and defended Obamacare and Obama in the face of untruth.

When you get caught cheating and lying, go to the Obamacare handbook for your defense, which is important because a new version of that handbook is being sold in the form of Democratic Socialism, all based on the faux "morally" superior goals of "fairness." For the Loughlin and Huffman families in the world of public opinion, which in fact does impact their respective empires, these next steps are crucial.

Discovery of the Cheat: TIMING

Few people recall that Obamacare was thrown under the bus for both its motives and outcomes by one of its fellow cheating architects of Obamacare, Jonathan Gruber, who in 2014 spilled the beans: The passage of Obamacare relied on the stupidity of the American voter. Of course, by this time Obama had already been re-elected, so no problem for him, he merely DISTANCED himself from the tattling cheater, minimizing his relationship with Gruber.

Unfortunately, for Loughlin and Huffman, timing isn't perfect because their kids, at least Loughlin's are not already graduated, which many of the cheaters are since the allegations cover years 2011 through 2018. Yet it was a guy named Tobin, a fellow cheater who apparently spilled the beans to feds as part of a deal for another cheating charge who spilled the beans.

For Obamacare, timing was everything. Remember, the most draconian provisions of the Obamacare scheme including its obedience to the insurance lobby's demands in its 2008 publication regarding the INDIVIDUAL MANDATE, were not generally known until 2013, right before they became effective in 2014, earning the lying Obama and his assurances that people could keep their doctors, etc. LIE OF THE YEAR status.

The most obvious use of a TIMING manipulation by celebs would be to stress that the scam covered at least from 2011 to 2018, and they were late-comers to the game and that who knows how many kids' parents have manipulated the system and gotten their kids into schools from which those kids have long ago graduated since then.

Once the cheat is revealed, DISTANCE YOURSELF FROM CHEAT: Obama distanced himself from Gruber, one of the architects of Obamacare when the cheat was revealed. He simply tried to show he really didn't know the guy. This avenue is definitely available to the celebs, simply relying on word of mouth, they could easily argue that they were merely hooked-up with the scamming college staff, especially Lori Loughlin and her husband whose lack of college experience has already been floated out to the public for possible claims that they didn't know any better.

Find Fall-Guys: Distancing worked well for Obama because he was President, and protecting him from exposure was the taxpayer funded duty of members of government, the designated fall-guys. From the IRS scandal, to the Fast and Furious Scandal, to the Iran deal scandal of barges of money payments to Iran, to Benghazie, there were always fall-guys. The schools are using this strategy, the celebs should too, blaming business managers, accountants, agents, whoever they can.

No Way Out? Lie Again

In 2013, as the teller of lie of the year, Obama easily stood before the American public, long after the health insurance choices for year 2014 had been made telling us how he had Congress fix the if you like your doctor you can keep him/her," Obama emphasized the "grandfathering in" of older health plans available under the Obamacare law, which naturally was a non-apology and a non-fix to the original lie with this additional lie.

Celebs should study this one. They need to resort to the old-time political game of using words to skip out on liability. Obama did this often in the context of Obamacare, as one example above and in other instances such as the Benghazi attack where he used his mention of the word terrorist as showing he knew that the attack wasn't based on a video tape despite the truth that he of course not only blamed a video but went after the video maker.

Fudge the Numbers

For Obamacare, taxpayer wallets are used to sustain Obamacare. Obama's own government indicated it could not calculate the governmental costs of implementing Obamacare from infrastructure including technology, to budgets, to salaries and lucrative non-Obamacare benefits paid to public employees, so it simply stopped counting those dollars. Instead the government spouted all the "savings" by using numbers of dollars of spending that did decrease, the amount of money actually spent on sick people, and Americans gobbled it up.

OK celebs, talk savings to the American public from your scam. Focus on the unknown number of quota seats or scholarships or opportunities that would have been lost by universities without your full-tuition paying students, let alone the name, status and publicity you've gotten for their sports teams by attaching your names to them.

Assert Moral Superiority without spending your own money!

Justify taxpayers paying more to enact your visions of fairness and moral superiority, just like Obama did. Remember, Obamacare granted enormous administrative powers to the IRS, which EXPANDED the availability of taxpayer paid premium credits and cost sharing (contrary to the language in the Obamacare law) in order to support Obamacare, and even brought a government lawsuit (King v. Burwell) and WON it, demanding people accept government money in the form of premium credits and cost-sharing to make sure that the anemic enrollment in Obamacare plans did not fall further. Obama got Americans to accept payroll tax increases and taxes on those bad sports who didn't want to purchase the consumer financial instrument of health insurance in the form of a government tax, the individual mandate.

OK celebs, become activists for fairness, supporting free tuition legislation, loan forgiveness legislation and a whole bunch of other legalized cheats to distract way from your own cheating. Obamacare was legislation designed to gut the middle class in order to provide health insurance coverage to a fraction of the US population. If you doubt it, you were successfully scammed.

As factual background note, under Obama the gap between rich and middle class widened more than at any other time in about half a century. Notice also, that the only middle class Obama addressed was his own flunky class of public employees. Note the early exceptions to their Obamacare compliance. If you're unaware, consider how US taxpayers pay for Congresspeople's premiums up to about 72 percent, consider that they would never be eligible for such premium assistance because they earn too much but for special legislation supporting that taxpayer expense, consider that their Obamacare options for plans are separate from the little guy's choice for such plans. Still, these public-milking hypocrites are selling the public on social democracy.

Nonsensical, unsupported, but persuasive, so celbs have at it. Do it like Obama, preach fairness off other people's money, not your own by supporting government-backed free tuition, government-backed loan forgiveness, government-backed quotas and scholarships and loans…You get the idea.

Finally, sell Fairness while Being Unfair

Yeah, celebs, you cheated. Yeah, you ignored others while pursuing your own self-interest. Yeah, you benefited yourselves at the expense of others. Who cares? Obamacare did it by selling unfairness as fairness and you can too!

There are still supporters of Obamacare and Obama. Today we still have no outcry that under Obamacare millionaires who can disguise their INCOME to fall within Obamacare boundaries are eligible for Obamacare because there is no means testing.

Americans still believe Democrats stand for fairness even as they take special privilege, including health benefits, that are superior to those they represent.

Today we still have supporters of Obamacare with no action or outcry about the family glitch, the millions of families unable to purchase the dependent care coverage for their families because Obamacare only limits the costs of self-only insurance not dependent coverage.

Today we still have supporters of Obamacare who ignore its discrimination against individuals based on age. By prohibiting higher premiums charged to people based on insurance cost centers and enacting laws that singled out two cost centers only, tobacco use and age as LEGITIMATE places to charge people more in premiums, Obamacare trampled the anti-discrimination laws against ageism.

Today we still have supporters of Obamacare who ignore its discrimination against males. Obamacare provides for free services like domestic violence counseling, annual checkups, birth control including sterilization procedures ONLY for women trampling anti-discrimination laws based on gender.

And if all else fails, follow the Democrats…Demonize the "Other"

When all else fails resort to some fake, "They're worse" strategy. For Obama, the Republicans were the bogeyman. Obama always warned against skyrocketing health insurance premiums even after his own government agencies predicted that the rise in premiums from Obamacare would be equivalent to the rise in premiums without it. Even when Americans realized this was the case as we experienced, Obama pulled out the bogeyman and said it would've been worse. Democrat Socialists and some Democrats are using the bogeyman of Nazism in the same way, though as recently as last week, David Duke, American Nazi in chief came out supporting Democrats and their new anti-Semitism.

For the celeb college cheaters, there's only one demon, the schools. First, schools are unfair, why else do they protect their admission processes like trade secrets? Second, but for your deep pockets, things would be worse, fewer slots for quotas, scholarships, etc. and less name recognition and selling of the "contacts" people can make in school, so they can become the next Loughlins or Huffmans.

Rewrite and Perpetuate Mythology: And remember, like Obama opting out of a presidential library, that has requirements and standards, and instead choosing to build his own presidential center to sustain his mythology, the celebs too can rewrite history.