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Sunday, March 10, 2019

Ignoring Mental Illness is BACKWARDS

The brutality of Senator Jim Clyburn's comments defending Ilhan Omar indicates he believes she is mentally ill. Defending her, Senator Clyburn said, "I've talked to her, and I can tell you she is living through a lot of pain." This supposedly is based on her experience in Somalia's civil war. OK, that has NOTHING to do with Jews or Israel. Please look it up…NOTHING. So, basically Clyburn's admitting that like a troubled schizophrenic who pushes someone off a subway platform, society shouldn't have an interest in protecting the general public from such mental illness that leads to such actions. I disagree.

You would think ANY reasonable person would reject that notion, certainly any person who has stood on the teetering edge of a subway platform waiting for a train. Omar is dangerous and is rendered more dangerous to our society because her party is enabling her. She's got her tinfoil hat on blaming the ills of society on Martians, (or in her case the Jews) and the Democrats are choosing to ignore it or appease her with support, such as that coming from Ocasio Cortez or Tlaib and Clyburn.

Whether the allure of tapping into their own feelings of anti-Semitism has rendered these other public employees, Clyburn, Tlaib, Ocasio Cortez to advocate on behalf of Omar or some archaic version of "pretending" there's nothing wrong with her will make her mental illness go away is the source of the Democrats' behavior, one thing is certain, tolerating anti-Semitism is normalizing anti-Semitism. Actually, Omar has done something no old-time Democratic candidate has been able to do before, she's got the KKK vote, with Grand Wizard David Duke lauding her hatred and calling her the most important member of Congress. After all, the enemy of my enemy is my friend applies here.

There are no ways out for Democrats. Either you acknowledge that the Somalia-based "pain" of Ilhan Omar that has her frail mind imagining that her civil war experiences somehow involved the Jews requires immediate mental health intervention or acknowledge that Omar is the excuse for you to come out and stand beside Omar with David Duke in applauding her hatred of those you hate. There is no other stance.

For those who want to be distracted by ANY OTHER "moral high-ground" proposition by these mentally ill individuals or moral deficients and argue, "But they're good for climate, good for Medicare, good for..." do so at your peril and ignore their embrace of anti-Semitism and those who refer to Jews as "termites," even as we argue over whether using pronouns is respectful, but don't bring the rest of us down into your pit. Anti-Semitic a narrative that should earn rejection by all and if it doesn't than all name-calling is OK, and whether it's calling the Jews termites (also acceptable) or anyone else any name, that should be OK too.