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Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Today's Democrats Bringin' back the Good Old Days of Racism, Sexism, Ageism and anti-Semitism

Stupid is a non-politically correct word today, but one that in the good old days, you know the ones the Democrats are bringing back of racism, sexism, ageism, and anti-Semitism, was perfectly acceptable and actually was part of the explanation by one of their own for how Obamacare came into law.

Obama, dubbed as the teller of the lie of the year in 2014 for his endless role in deceiving America about what Obamacare was and in the wake of much of America's realization that we'd been duped by President Obama and Obamacare, and the Democrat lawmakers' view of the rest of us was clear as architect of the law, Jonathan Gruber revealed that the Affordable Care Act was passed in thanks to the "Stupidity of the American voter." (2014)

But this strategy worked and is working among Democrats. After all, now, after failing to accurately portray, describe, or abide by the provisions of Obamacare in 2010, 10 years later, we've got the resurrection of the Medicare For All option, which promises to be worse on many levels. (2009-'10)

Why worse? Because significantly, in our STUPIDITY we still fail to examine WHAT coverage we get and whether it's insurance coverage at all in the meaning of insurance as a vehicle whereby consumers pay premiums to help cover the cost of unanticipated ailments and illnesses (that cost more in the US to attend to than in most any other country) RATHER THAN the Obamacare model of a second-rate service plan that provides "coverage" of a list of low-hanging fruit, the finite costs of checkups.

Again, in our stupidity, regarding illegal immigration and ignoring what occurred under Obama, which you can fact check, Democrats today want children and the adults they arrive with in this country to remain together in spite of the reality that no one knows who these adults are in relation to these children and that under Obama the "cages" were erected because in fact in 2014 "multiple immigrant children were handed off to a human trafficking ring." (see fact checkers like Snopes) (circa 2014)

And there's more, even as people are disciplined for failing to use the right pronoun or no pronoun at all in some effort to ignore gender differences, Democrats still hail Obamacare though it includes provisions that are only available to women…Such as counseling for domestic violence and sterilization as birth control. Democrats also have no problem using the term "man" when they're trying to express their contempt for an individual. Especially WHITE man, which brings us to the RACISM of today's Democrats.

And there's more, as Democrats incorporate ageism into their platform, with younger candidates touting their youth as credential, also the seeds of which could be found in Obamacare. After all, by prohibiting charging more in premiums to any individual based on the traditional cost centers used by insurance companies, including gender, previous health issues, pre-existing conditions, drug use, alcoholism but retaining only TWO categories where insurance companies could charge more (tobacco use and AGE), Obamacare clearly indicates that of all things that contribute to insurance costs, only AGE as a class can be singled out and used to charge more in premium costs to individuals.

Any other place where Democrats have turned back the clock on hard-earned protections against discrimination based on age, sex, race? Ah yes, religion. Today's Democratic anti-Semites and the tolerance/embrace of the same by their party can also be traced back to Obama's middle finger to Israel when upon his exit (you know when those voting Jews no longer mattered) he abstained rather than vetoed the Israel hating UN from one of their unsurprising anti-Israel votes.

We've got these three haters who have either said what the rest of Democrats want to hear as their spokesWOMEN or have simply intimidated them into accepting that anti-Semitism is yet another cool old idea they want to bring back. Thinking they've slickly solved the problem of Jew hatred by terming it Israel hatred (though those anti-Semitic cancers in Congress are reluctant to use that word), or by slurring Zionism, these emboldened toxic elements have now proposed to turn their hatred into action, and are tearfully demanding an end in aid to Israel for not opening its arms to them. Their colleagues again are in support of their anti-Semitic theatrics.

So mark today as the first day, 8/21/2019, of media trying to turn Democrat anti-Semitism into Republican anti-Semitism, the absurd attempt to twist the very words slurred by these miserable haters for months and months in the Democratic Party with full backing by their fellows as Donald Trump comments that Jews who vote Democrat are unknowledgeable or disloyal (to their fellow Jews). This isn't anti-Jewish, it's true, self-hating Jews should be called out for their self-hatred and to vote for anti-Semites, yep, you've got to pretty much hate yourself or as Trump kindly says be unknowledgeable. I'll go straight to Democrat Jonathan Gruber to inform my opinion of today's supporters of the backwards Democratic platform, if it gets through it'll be thanks to "the stupidity of the American voter."