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Monday, September 2, 2019

The Optimism Study: Debra Messing's Tweet Got my Attention!

Today we find a health study (Boston University School of Medicine and the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health) that concludes optimism as a scientific factor in living longer. This, for me, is a wonderful additional reason to reject today's Democratic narrative that capitalizes on negativity and self- righteous hate mongering that not only inflicts harm on others, but themselves because of its pessimistic, apocalyptic and hate-filled world view.

There's now a scientific warning label that pessimism is bad for your health, another reason to reject the negatively infected sputum hurled on a whoever-will-listen American public in an effort to gain votes by marginalizing dissenters as science deniers, racists, stupid people, or whatever other grossly overly generalized prejudicial narrative is put forth by today's Democrats. At best, such narrative is untrustworthy and at worst, it turns out it's bad for health.

It really isn't a surprise. After all, NEVER has self-righteousness been a trait characterizing mental health. With its accompanying hypocrisies, falsehoods and close-mindedness necessary to preserve its false premises, self-righteousness is not positive, and now, we find it's not good for physical health either.

It is in this context that we choose optimism and reject the faux liberalism of Democrats like Eric McCormack. After all, a call for identifying and exposing and depriving someone of the opportunity to work based on that person's choice to affiliate with one of the US's two major political parties,(Republican) is the absolute opposite of the alleged "acceptance" of which Democrats brag, and it is just that hypocrisy that Eric McCormack attempts to suck his fans into believing.

This hypocrisy, the fake spoken belief in "acceptance" by today's Democrats is pathological self-righteousness. Individuals such as McCormack prejudicially categorize a WHOLE GROUP OF PEOPLE, Republicans and Republican voters as "bad" and then jump from this false premise into justification of rejection of that entire group of people based upon that false premise. Whatever you want to call it, even today's Dems can't call that "acceptance."

In support of Eric McCormack, his co-star in "Will and Grace," Debra Messing's had a tweet exchange with Donald Trump regarding Eric McCormack's vile call for identifying and excluding Trump supporters, (casually stating, "so the rest of us can be clear about who we don’t wanna work with") that highlights the next problem with self-righteousness, in addition to its close-minded self-centered reliance on defining oneself as "right" and anything different as "wrong," it necessitates lying in order to preserve the incorrect and prejudicial world view.

In defense of McCormack, Debra Messing wrote: "I am proud to be a donor when I contribute to a campaign. I am happy to be listed when I attend a fundraiser. I am assuming anyone who donates to Trump's fundraiser would feel the same. Why wouldn't they?"

Ms. Messing is lying here, a necessary feature of defending the indefensible. The lie is that Messing cannot persuasively support McCormack's poisonous prejudice without challenging the premise of her (and his) self-righteousness, to begin with, that they're "accepting" of people as opposed to the reality that they groundlessly hate all Republicans as whatever, racist, etc. Therefore Messing must "spin" it, lie.

Unanswered are the obvious questions that challenge the pessimistically unfair hatred of all Republican voters like, "Ms. Messing, when was the last time your ability to earn a living was impacted by your public Democratic Party affiliations and support? When's the last time you opened yourself up to some mythical label of being a 'racist' simply because you vote Democrat? Ms. Messing, how does 'identifying and excluding' based on no evidence but how a person votes, go along with your faux liberalism?"

But these questions as a means of deconstructing her untrue point of view serve no purpose for Messing right now, as she wades through the hypocritical, untruthful world of today's Democrats and on Sept. 1, 2019, as reported in "Martin Mawyer Christian Action Network," Debra Messing wrote "THANK YOU" in response to a Baptist church posting that "A Black Vote for Trump Is Mental Illness." Also, as reported in "Martin Mawyer Christian Action Network," the back of the sign at the Alabama Church reads, "A white vote for Trump is pure racism."

Messing is jumping in with both feet into the dense and ugly pool of Democrat self-righteousness. Like all self-righteousness, it's filled with inescapable hypocrisies and unjustified hatreds that lead to unnecessary violence, either physical or emotionally destructive and the inevitable dishonesty required to maintain the false world view.

These harms of self-righteousness are not unknown, as self-righteousness has NEVER been considered a mentally healthy trait. Unlike leading by example, self-righteousness at best is a bad personality trait and at worst is a self-satisfied, preachy, dangerous ignorance and close-mindedness that is as backwards as any movement of the past that marginalized and brutalized populations based on prejudicial and primitive hatreds of some ill-defined "other."

And so we see the inevitable next step of self-righteousness, the flawed premise, prejudicial hatred, hypocritical and close-minded defense of hatred,the call to violence against those hated, as McCormack advocates for the deprivation of the ability to make a living, the identification and exclusion of the "THEM" he has defined, the over-generalized group of Republican voters. Messing tacitly supports this call to violence and therefore advocates violence against "other" based on the broad-sweeping definition of "other" as anyone who votes Republican. This is the ugliness of today's Democratic Party.

It's difficult to understand the disconnect between Messing's reaction to McCormack's reversion to old-time shunning of people based on political affiliation and her virtual silence on the outspoken anti-Semitic elements of her beloved party in contrast to her past defense of Jews, "as a Jew," and ability to take a stand against organized groups like the Women's March.

The pessimism and self-hatred required to hum out that she's a proud Democrat, "as a Jew" is a hypocrisy that should sadden rather than energize Messing supporters. Messing's "pride" in a Democratic Party that has vocal and increasingly dominant elements that are VERBALIZING anti-Semitism, hatred of her, and Messing's pride in a Democratic Party that has elements that are SUPPORTING BDS, a Democratic Party that is adopting some remote experience Ilhan Omar had in Somalia as justification for her poisonous, skewed and broken view of Jews and America, is really sad. That would be the opposite of "optimism."

In order to maintain her self-righteous world view, the hatred of all people Republican, the blind embrace of a Democratic ideology with its virulent anti-Semitism that is spreading like an unchecked disease and is rejecting of Messing as Jew, we find Messing doing what all self-righteous people must do…Lying and doubling-down, and tacitly or overtly calling for unjustified violence, emotional and-or physical against an entire group of people.

But remember, and newly scientifically reinforced, optimism works better, so with optimism I offer that perhaps, Messing is mid-journey in walking the same tightrope that many of "us" former Democratic-only voters walked, and at some point will for herself reach a point where she decides that the reality of the new Democratic Party has gone too far in its self-righteous and prejudicial rejection of whatever "THEM" they despise that already made some of US decide that the self-righteous hypocrisies, lies and calls to violence, emotional and physical, is not something WE can live with.