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Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Dems and Dangerous Relentless Suspension of Disbelief Politics

President Trump should sue THE ATLANTIC for defamation of character for its absurd article entitled, "Trump Is Not Well, Accepting the reality about the President’s disordered personality is important—even essential," Sep 9, 2019, Peter Wehner.

Wehner's and others' format is: Unsubstantiated assertion as a fact, defense of fact in the face of reasoned and justified dissent, disparagement and diminishment of those who dissent, and a call to action based on the false narrative.

Peter Wehner starts with his false premise that somehow his opinion of President Trump is fact, and that since 2016, the "fact" of President Trump as mentally ill has been "validated" in his own mind using a misleading attempt to manipulate the language and implications of science and scientific process, including replication of results as validation, to his unchanging opinion of President Trump.

Wehner gives a nod towards reality as he passes it by, noting that there is NO EVIDENCE for such a claim and that Wehner has no CREDENTIAL to make that claim and that EVERYTHING that he's observed merely VALIDATES his own claim, which, for the rest of us would be called CONFIRMATION BIAS, but that doesn't stop Wehner.

Wehner goes through his false narrative and brazenly concludes that though diagnosis should be left to professionals, WHETHER OR NOT professionals diagnose Trump as conforming to Wehner's unprofessional, biased version of reality, the "facts" as concocted by Wehner are correct, disparaging and discrediting those with superior expertise.

Naturally, for those who see through Wehner's timing, certainly he'll be quoting himself again and again trying to drum up readership from those supporting the next expensive hearings Congressman Nadler intends to bring for impeachment of the President, (which likely will be met with the same rejection of the conclusions of that investigation UNLESS it supports impeachment, just like with the "Russia" stuff.)

Interestingly, Wehner, a self-confessed old-school conformist Republican participant in the Federal government (who probably wanted Bush for President), is now trying to self-promote using the new Dem suspension of disbelief politics.

Like Elizabeth Warren, another old-time Republican now Democrat with her own false narrative, for us, these individuals point out the dangers of using fanciful narratives to promote their views as facts, and then use those false facts as a jumping off point for promoting actions and policies that are impossible or worse harmful to the rest of us.

The endorphin rush Dems are getting from their persistent suspension of disbelief as they jump on the fanciful wings of the New America they believe they're instantly creating jeopardizes us all, because false narrative leads to bad leadership and bad law.

The weather map example of a recent hurricane's path is a good example of not merely spending days on focusing on the President's use of one of the earlier official maps of the hurricane's path which changed, something we are all familiar with, mistaken weather forecasts, but somehow turning it into EVIDENCE that the President was changing weather maps because…Ready? President Trump uses a Sharpie too. As if he were some Marvel Comics villain who had some secret agenda and desired to change the weather of the US.

It's not only governments refusing to abide by Federal law because they disagree with it, such as refusing to enforce immigration laws, marijuana laws, or even laws against vandalism, destruction of property when it comes to the case of statues, but it's INVENTING laws in order to prove the President violated them, such as the President's tax returns, NEVER required to be shared with the US public, and then using those imaginary laws and their violation suddenly as EVIDENCE that the President is a lawbreaker.

It's not only IGNORING and spinning statements made in black and white in order to defend the anti-Semitism of Congress members, it's creating some persecution false narrative that all white people who question anyone of color are racists, with the inaccurate and slanderous libel of labeling dissenters as racists, so glibly misused that the term infected the language of "candidates" during Democratic debates.

It's not enough for people to want to address climate change, it's the spin that anyone who has a different opinion about how to do it is a CLIMATE DENIER.

This is what Obamacare was, a spin, a false narrative that resulted in a law that hasn't worked…The Dems have proven that, not a one of them is still arguing the phony trope of how it was the best thing ever, they're ALL proposing changes.

Dems are drawing conclusions from these false narratives, feeding their endorphin rush that yes, like the endless fantasy of Marvel Comics movies, they're heroically flying in, uncovering imagined conspiracies, righting all of society's wrongs and ultimately beating down the enemy and that enemy…Anyone who disagrees.

So, here we are in Democrat world…We no longer must teach that civil disobedience has costs, as it did for every civilly disobedient person who chose this avenue to promote change from the risk of arrest and its costs and consequences, to the risk of job unavailability, to the historic loss of US citizenship for draft dodgers.

But failure to teach the risk and costs of civil disobedience is a cruelty by every Democrat who encourages such illegal behavior without explaining its risks, because though one statue destroyer may escape prosecution for his acts of vandalism and destruction of public property, another might be arrested and prosecuted.

Just like if you don't believe a STOP sign should be there and you go through it. You can't argue that you don't agree with its placement and that nobody stops at the sign as a defense if you're ticketed for failing to stop.

Teaching tolerance of racism and that ONLY people of color can be victims of hatred and racism creates a fanciful narrative of a presumption of "rightness" by people of color that makes them immune like some comic strip character, from the errors in judgment, prejudices, and errors in behavior that occur in all human beings.

This assignment of super hero powers of "rightness," creates the opportunity for the acceptance, encouragement, victimization by, and even election of monsters of color like the vile congressional representatives spewing their anti-Semitic bias and trying to translate it into governmentally endorsed boycott and persecution.

Shaming anyone who disagrees with a Green New Deal as a climate change denier, when even some smarter Dems noticed that such a "deal" would financially and operationally cripple the US in its immediate gratification approach to change, exaggerates the gap between expectation and reality that leads to anger, frustration and despair without concern for the REALITY that suicide rates in the US increased 24% between 1999 and 2014, from 10.5 to 13.0 suicides per 100,000 people, the highest rate recorded in 28 years," (Suicide in the United States, Wikipedia).

Dem supporters nod their heads as they gaze up and listen to their candidates' fanciful promises of how everyone can enter the US and how the US can provide free health care to us all under the impossible Medicare for All claims made by the caped super heroes of Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren, who defy math by claiming that they have REAL numbers for the cost of these services for an undetermined number of people…A mathematical impossibility, but no more impossible than saying that it'll only take taxation of millionaire/billionaires to make it happen, again because of the mathematically impossible determination of cost when you have no idea how many people you'll cover.

Attaching wings to someone's back and telling them to jump off a 100-story building isn't empowerment or encouragement, it's a brutal disregard for their personhood, and it is equally brutal to cultivate division, suspicion, fear, despair and worry based on such false narrative.